DHI 2020 Impact Report online now!

DHI 2020 Impact Report online now!

"One of DHI’s many strengths is that you have always been quick to adapt to any changing circumstances in order to keep on providing quality service to the clients and this “unusual” year has certainly highlighted this particular strength."

That was a comment from Irene, a DHI supporter, who watched our first ever live streamed Annual Event, and we have now launched our first ever online only Impact Report. In it, you'll read the inspiring stories of people whose lives have been turned around while the world has been changing around them, and you'll meet the people who have made that happen - the dedicated and solution-focused staff at DHI.

We hope that you enjoy this year's Impact Report, and that you will join us as we work to ensure that the most marginalised are supported in the uncertain times ahead.

Check out our Impact Report now at www.dhi-online.org.uk/impactreport2020.

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