Drug-related incidents in Bristol

Drug-related incidents in Bristol

Sadly, there have been a number of drug related deaths and hospitalisations in Bristol and London over the last two weekends. There are conflicting reports in the media and on social media about what happened, but it has been suggested that MDMA crystal (powder) was involved in this tragedy in Bristol.

There are also reports of high-strength Blue Tesla pills being in circulation. There have been recent reports of them containing 200mg+ of MDMA – about twice the average adult dose – so certainly capable of causing harm (especially if double-dropped or taken in quick succession).

The Loop have some great advice around avoiding MDMA related harm that it is useful to read if you are considering using MDMA: https://wearetheloop.org/crush-dab-wait. We also provide information about MDMA for young people on The Wrap: https://www.thewrapdhi.org.uk/find-information/drugs-alcohol/mdma_ecstacy.

There is no ‘safe’ way to take any illicit drugs, but being prepared and having the right harm reduction advice can reduce the risks.

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