Heather's story

Heather's story

Image by Sabine van Erp from Pixabay

Heather suffers from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), which makes it difficult for her to breathe and she needs to use an oxygen mask. When she was referred to Reach, she was living in a second floor, three-bedroom flat, but because of her breathing problems, she was unable to use the stairs and therefore virtually a prisoner in her own home.

Reach assessed that Heather needed a mobility scooter and to be moved into a bungalow in order for her to lead a normal life. They worked with her to do a medical assessment, to get supporting evidence and apply for suitable housing. They successfully argued to get her put into the highest priority band and she was soon offered a beautiful two-bedroom bungalow with a garden.

Heather is now in her new home, living with her carer, and is getting the mobility scooter that she needs. She is able to get out, see friends and make appointments. As a bonus, she is no longer having to pay the ‘bedroom tax’ for living in an under-occupied property, so she has more money and her old flat can now be rented to a family in need of three bedrooms.

Heather said: “The new bungalow is beautiful. It’s freshly painted and the flooring is gorgeous. I couldn't have chosen better; I can't believe it's really ours even now. I feel incredibly lucky and blessed. This has changed my life already and I've not yet found my feet. This wouldn't have happened without Reach’s involvement.”

Names have been changed to protect the service user's privacy.

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