Dan's Story

Dan's Story

Dan's Story

"When my relationship broke down after I had already lost my job, I was left homeless with very few options. That’s what led me to living in a tent in Bath for over a year. Luckily, my GP referred me to DHI’s former Social Prescribing service. They were able to point me towards people that could help me with the issues I was facing: homelessness and PTSD from my time in the armed forces.

"Things really turned around when DHI’s housing service, Reach, got me in to temporary accommodation. Their timing couldn’t have been better because my tent had been stolen only the day before, and the UK was just days away from being struck with a snowstorm. I don’t know if I would have survived staying out on the streets, without my tent, in that weather.

"Now I’m in permanent accommodation, a St. John’s grant helped me with my debts, and I’m on track to go back to work."

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