Jenny's Story

Jenny's Story

"About ten years ago, my children had both flown the nest and I was enjoying a relaxing retirement. But that all changed when my daughter’s alcohol dependence engulfed her, and she moved back home. Of course, I supported her as much as I could, I cared for her and provided for all her needs. In effect though, I was enabling her. This in turn made my home a battleground where I felt constantly anxious, and I couldn’t sleep for worrying what would happen to her.

"After her first appointment with DHI, she brought back a leaflet about DHI’s Families and Carers Service. I still remember the first group I attended. It was such a relief to know I wasn’t alone and there were other families who knew exactly what we were going through. I got counselling, support from others in similar situations and practical advice for how to set boundaries. This not only allowed me to survive this time, but I believe that those boundaries helped my daughter to finally get into recovery."

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